Tel:+86 027-87181807
Registration Form
Registration Fee
What's Included
Sumit ONE Full Paper
RMB 3000
1. APC(Reviewing, publication and indexing) for each paper;
Additional Papers of the SAME Author
RMB 2800
TPC Members
Submit ONE Full paper
RMB 2000
1. APC(Reviewing, publication and indexing) for each paper;
Submit one abstract/Listener Only
Listeners/Submit ONE Abstract
RMB 800
1. One abstract book for each listener;
Poster Presentation for 1 Paper
1. 400mm height x 600mm wide (1335 mm x 572mm usable space) presentation board in all MRCA conferences in 2019;
Please note: (1) If the number of participants for one conference is less than 20 (the speakers and poster presentation are included), the corresponding conference will be canceled. (2) The registration fee for each conference is different, please consult the conference committee for details.
2. Electronic conference proceedings;
3. Conference materials: conference manual, conference tote bag, abstract book and conference souvenirs;
4. Tea breaks, lunch and dinner banquet for the conference day.
2. Electronic conference proceedings;
3. Conference materials: conference manual, conference tote bag, abstract book and conference souvenirs;
4. Tea breaks, lunch for the conference day.
2. Conference materials: conference manual, conference tote bag, abstract book and conference souvenirs;
3. Tea breaks, lunch and dinner banquet for the conference day.
RMB 400
2. 10% off of the registration fee for regular or listener registration.